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BPCRA Club Support


The 22 Black Powder Rifle Association(22BPCRA) has a great program that will help and support clubs for their regional match’s.

So how does it work one may ask.

  1. The match director or directors must reach out to one of the 22 BPCRA Board Directors
  2. All individuals that are shooting at the regional match must be a 22 BPCRA member, this has to be verified by one of the Board of Directors in order to receive funds for the match.
  3. The 22 BPCRA will provide an excel spreadsheet for the scores to be captured in during the match so they can be posted.
  4. Clubs can receive up to $10.00 per shooter participating in the event with a max of $300.00 dollars from the 22 BPCRA.
  5. If your club does not have insurance, the 22 BPCRA will provide insurance coverage for the match, but all shooters have to be members of the 22 BPCRA.